We deserve better

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What is wrong with our current governments at almost every level? Simple, they either don't understand the problem or are unable to explain the problem in words that make any sense what-so-ever. This is why we have the federal government trying to tackle health care, by creating another federal program that will drive us bankrupt even faster, when they should be concerned with the financial markets. Why do I mention the financial markets? Because ladies and gentlemen, this problem has not been addressed and until it is we risk further financial hardships. Those hardships would be a weaker economy, loss of more jobs, and a possible real melt-down of the whole economy.

We, the people, deserve an explanation of what went wrong in the 2000s that caused the systemic breakdown of nearly the entire financial system. I have yet to see even a definition of what a systemic financial breakdown would be composed of, and yet trillions of dollars of tax payers' money has been spent to avoid something without a definition.

Nothing to date has been done to change the basic way things were allowed to operate during the "Days of Greed." We have two of the strongest proponents of what created the mess still in charge. They are Tim Gietner and Sumners who both worked with Alan Greenspan who championed the hands off approach to the financial markets. These people believed that the financial markets would self manage. They didn't.

We need to face the fact that government has gotten so big and so unwieldy, and the deficit so huge, it is fiscally impossible to collect enough taxes to pay down the debt and maintain governments, at all levels, local, county, state and federal at there present size.

We are going to have to learn to expect fewer services from government. The only other option is to start thinking about how to bankrupt a complete country.

David Nelson
