4-3 overall, 2-1 Sierra League, 1-1 home, 2-2 away, 1-0 neutral, 4-3 vs. Northern Nevada teams
Beau Battista 1-0
Scott Rudnick 1-0
Kameron VanWinkle 1-1 (10-2 career)
Matt Thomas 1-2
Ryan Ford 3
Matt Thomas 3
Kameron Van Winkle 2
Beau Battista 2
Kyle Ford 1
Scott Rudnick 1
Connor Dillon 1
Kameron Van Winkle 2
Beau Battista 2
Matt Thomas 2
Scott Rudnick 1
Matt Thomas 13
Kameron Van Winkle 10
Beau Battista 8
Scott Rudnick 3
Ryan Ford 3
Connor Dillon 1
Scott Rudnick 6
Ryan Ford 4
Beau Battista 5
Kameron Van Winkle 3
Matt Thomas 2
Kyle Ford 1
Cody Begovich 3
Tanner Egan 2
Connor Dillon 2
Ryan Moglich 2
Kyle Ford 3
Matt Thomas 1
Danny King 2
Ryan Ford 1
Beau Battista 1
Scott Rudnick 1
Home Runs
Kameron Van Winkle 2
Cody Begovich 1
Cody Begovich 9
Matt Thomas 8
Kameron Van Winkle 8
Ryan Moglich 7
Danny King 7
Kyle Ford 6
Tanner Egan 3
Beau Battista 3
Connor Dillon 2
Scott Rudnick 2
Ryan Ford 2
Cody Lommori 2
Brett Parks 1
Brett Anderson 1
March 11: SPANISH SPRINGS 12, DOUGLAS 7 at Spanish Springs
VanWinkle, R. Ford and K. Ford. LP: Van Winkle (0-1). SO: VanWinkle 5, R. Ford 1. BB: VanWinkle 2, R. Ford 1.
Douglas hitting: Fencl 1-1, Battista 2-3, Anderson 0-3, VanWinkle 1-3, K. Ford 1-2, Moglich 1-4, Thomas 1-4, King 1-2, Rudnick 0-3, Dillon 1-3. 2B: Dillon, Thomas, Moglich, K. Ford. HR: VanWinkle. RBI: Battista 2, VanWinkle 3, Thomas 2.
March 12: McQUEEN 13, DOUGLAS 12 at McQueen
Battista, R.Ford, K. Ford, Thomas. LP: Thomas (0-1). SO: Battista 5. BB: Battista 3, R. Ford 3, K. Ford 1, Thomas 2.
Douglas hitting: Fencl 0-1, Anderson 0-3, VanWinkle 2-4, K. Ford 2-4, Moglich 1-4, Thomas 1-3, King 2-4, Dillon 1-4, Gemmill 1-2, Lommori 1-1, Begovich 1-3. 2B: King 1, Dillon 1. HR: Begovich. RBI: VanWinkle 1, K. Ford 1, Moglich 2, Thomas 2, King 2, Dillon 1, Begovich 3.
March 12: DOUGLAS 16, REED 0 at Reed
Thomas and K. Ford. WP: Thomas (1-1). SO: Thomas 8. BB: None.
Douglas hitting: K. Ford 1-4, Moglich 1-1, Thomas 1-3, King 1-1, Rudnick 1-2, Dillon 0-1, Gemmill 0-2, Lommori 1-3, Parks 1-1, Egan 2-3. 2B: K. Ford, Moglich. RBI: K. Ford 3, Moglich 2, Thomas 3, King 1, Rudnick 2, Dillon 1, Parks 1, Egan 2.
March 13: DOUGLAS 21, LOWRY 1 at Reed
Rudnick, Dillon and K. Ford. WP: Rudnick (1-0). SO: Rudnick 3, Dillon 1. BB: Rudnick 6.
Douglas hitting: Fencl 1-1, Battista 3-4, Anderson 1-2, VanWinkle 0-1, K. Ford 0-3, Moglich 2-5, Thomas 0-1, King 0-2, Gemmill 1-1, Lommori 1-1, Begovich 4-5, Parks 0-2, Egan 2-2, R. Ford 1-1. 2B: Battista, Begovich 3, Egan 2, R. Ford 1. RBI: Battista 1, K. Ford 1, Moglich 3, Thomas 1, Lommori 2, Begovich 6, Egan 1, R. Ford 2.
March 18: No. 6 DOUGLAS , No. 10 CARSON at Carson
Van Winkle and K. Ford. WP: Van Winkle (1-1). SO: Van Winkle 5. BB: Van Winkle 1.
Douglas hitting: King 2-4, Fencl 1-2, Van Winkle 0-2, K. Ford 0-4, Moglich 0-3, Thomas 1-3, Battista 1-3, Rudnick -3, Anderson 1-3. 3B: Anderson 1. RBI: King 1, Van Winkle 1, Anderson 1.
March 20: No. 6 DOUGLAS 4, No. 10 CARSON 2 at Douglas
Carson 001 001 0 -- 2 7 1
Douglas 002 200 x -- 4 9 1
Charles and Mayville. Battista and K. Ford. WP: Battista (1-1). LP: Charles. SO: Charles 4, Battista 3. BB: Charles 1, Battista 2.
Carson hitting: Bondi 2-0-1-0; Pradere 2-0-1-0; Domitrovich 1-1-0-0; Quilling 3-0-1-0; Pacheco 2-0-1-1; Blueberg 2-0-0-0; Mayville 3-0-1-0; Sawyers 3-1-2-0.
Douglas hitting: King 3-1-2-2; Fencl 2-1-1-0; Van Winkle 3-0-2-1; K. Ford 3-0-1-1; Moglich 2-0-0-0; Thomas 3-1-2-0; Battista 3-0-0-0; Dillon 2-0-0-0; Anderson 2-1-1-0. 2B: King 1, K. Ford 1
March 20: No. 10 CARSON 5, No. 6 DOUGLAS 4 at Douglas
Carson 110 102 0 -- 5 9 2
Douglas 211 000 0 -- 4 7 2
Dimitrovich, Moreland (6) and Mayville. Thomas, R. Ford (6) and Gemmill. WP: Dimitrovich. SV: Moreland. LP: Thomas. SO: Dimitrovich 5, Moreland 1, Thomas 5, R. Ford 2. BB: Dimitrovich 2, Moreland 1.
Carson hitting: Bondi 4-0-2-2; Feltner 2-1-0-0; Dimitrovich 3-0-0-0; Quilling 3-0-1-1; Pacheco 2-0-1-0; Pradere 3-0-1-0; Mayville 2-1-1-0; Blueberg 3-0-2-0; Petersen 3-0-1-2; Plattsmeier 0-1-0-0; Moreland 1-0-0-0. 2B: Bondi 1, Quilling 1, Pacheco 1, Mayville 1, Blueberg 1.
Douglas hitting: King 3-0-1-1; Fencl 2-1-0-0; Van Winkle 4-1-3-2; Thomas 3-1-1-0; Egan 2-0-0-0; Rudnick 1-1-0-0; Gemmill 2-0-1-0; Dillon 2-0-0-0; Begovich 2-0-1-0. HR: Van Winkle 1.