Letter carriers food drive
The 18th annual National Association of Letter Carriers Food Drive is Saturday. Postal customers should place plastic bags of food donations by their mailboxes for collection. Donations go to local food banks.
Sagehen rummage sale
The Topaz Sagehens' 34th annual rummage sale is 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday, at the Topaz Ranch Estates Community Center, 4001 Carter Way, Wellington. Raffle prizes, home baked goods and candy, chili dogs, hot dogs, baked potatoes and beverages. Proceeds help the Topaz Sagehens nonprofit women's organization fund community charities, civic organizations and the Douglas High School scholarship fund. Information, 266-4013.
Mother's Day dance Saturday
The Mother/Son Dance sponsored by the Carson Valley FFA is 6:30-9 p.m. Saturday at the Douglas County Fairgrounds Building. Cost is $15 per couple and $7 per addition son for this semi-formal event. Corsages and refreshments provided. Photos available for purchase. Register at the Douglas County Parks & Recreation Office, 1327 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville. Information, 782-9828.
Emigrant Trail lecture Thursday
Laurie Hickey speaks about the Carson River route of the Emigrant Trail at the Douglas County Historical Society's lecture of the month, 7 p.m. Thursday, at the Carson Valley Museum & Cultural Center, 1477 Highway 395, Gardnerville. Admission $3, free for historical society members. Information, 782-2555.
Cars wanted for Rockathon
Cars wanted and swap spaces available for the Valley Cruisers Rockathon car show and swap meet, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. May 15, in Heritage Park in Gardnerville. Enter cars from any year for $10. Awards presented. Car-related swap booth spaces available for $10. Event includes music by Time Warp and hot dog sales by Valley Cruisers Car Club. Booth space information, Charles Hill, 265-0548.
Preschool offered at Parks & Rec
The Discovery Center Preschool & Kindergarten offers morning and afternoon sessions at the Douglas County Recreation Annex, 1327 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville. Three- to 5-year-olds discover education disciplines through play. Information, director Cindy Webb, 783-6454 or 790-1235.
Senior menu for the week
The menu for the week of May 10-14 at the Douglas County Senior Center, 2300 Meadow Lane, Gardnerville, 783-6455.
Monday. Stuffed peppers, spinach pasta, green salad, garlic bread, nectarine
Tuesday. Lemon baked fish, baked potato, beet salad, bread, apple butter, broccoli and carrots, honeydew
Wednesday. Birthday Day. Ham with pork gravy, sweet potatoes, roll, Waldorf salad, green bean casserole, cake and ice cream
Thursday. Cheeseburger, French fries, fruit juice bar
Friday. Lasagna, fruit salad, vegetables, garlic bread, chocolate cake