Elderly shoplifter gets suspended sentence

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A 74-year-old Indian Hills woman with a history of petty theft convictions was ordered to stay out of Target and pay $185.89 restitution for items she stole in five shoplifting incidents.

Mary Margaret Koepp told East Fork Judge Tom Perkins on Wednesday that she was upset because her mother recently died.

"I was nervous and I walked out of the store without paying," she said.

Koepp said she needed mental health counseling.

"I need to talk to somebody to help me because I'm alone and lost," she said.

The court supplied her with a list of counselors.

Perkins sentenced Koepp to 90 days in Douglas County Jail, suspended, and ordered her to pay restitution by Feb. 14.

Four counts of petty larceny were dismissed.

According to reports, Koepp took merchandise from the store four times from Aug. 1-7 and on Sept. 25.

"There's no excuse to take somebody else's stuff," Perkins said. "I won't tolerate it. Don't think you're going to get away with it."

Prosecutor Laurie Trotter said Koepp also had at least three prior convictions for petty larceny.

Koepp's lawyer, Tod Young, said she was terrified of going to jail.

"She told me she's never going to do this again," Young said. "She didn't feel like herself after her mother died and she made some bad judgments. She's scared to death she's going to jail."

Perkins warned Koepp not to reoffend.

"Don't call my bluff on this. You'll put me in a horrible position," he said. "I went my whole life without putting somebody like you in jail."

Koepp told the judge she had heart problems and mental health issues.

"Jail would kill me," she said.