Voters take charge

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I share the view, to some extent, of Gary Griffith that we should "fire the Congress." Well, we, the voters, put them there which says much about the selection process that all too often results from what the media tells us what to do.

In my retirement years, I ignore the media and do my own vetting, but I also recognize that in my productive years I had neither the time nor the inclination to check out those who wanted my vote, but I do now. In doing so, I have learned much about the candidates that says in simple terms - no.

For example, the current contest for U.S. Senate in our state. Something happens to people when they arrive in Washington, such as learning that if they like living there, they shall do what the special interests, not the voters, tell them to do. The current administration is flat out owned by the union thugs, and to carry that through to conclusion, union excesses are a major cause of our current problems.

But the discussion is about Washington, and until, and unless the voters take command and halt the career politician, do not look for much improvement. In fact, unless a major change occurs rapidly, the dream of the founders is dead.

Vernon Latshaw
