Take away distractions, put phones down and drive

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We live in a wonderful neighborhood - no excess traffic because the roads don't offer a shortcut through the neighborhood. This means that the majority of the traffic in our neighborhood is us - the residents or our visitors. When you take a walk through the neighborhood or ride your bicycle or horse, you realize how fast the people are driving. It is pretty darn scary, too. 

There was a recent article about someone doing 60 mph on Palomino Lane approaching Rocking Horse Lane. The article said the sun got in their eyes but that doesn't explain how it caused their foot to apply pressure to the gas pedal.

Also, that stretch of Palomino does not cross Rocking Horse Lane so there would have been an awful crash into the trees, sagebrush or house. Thank goodness there weren't any children on the road waiting for their school bus or anyone else in the area that might have been hurt or, even killed, by a car going that fast.

Everyone is in a hurry it seems anymore. Maybe they are late or distracted by the conversations in the car or on the radio or by talking, or worse, texting, on the cell phone while driving. Maybe if we thought of the vehicle as a two-ton weapon, we might regain some of the respect for the other drivers, the innocent people walking along the road, for ourselves and our passengers. 

Oprah has initiated a campaign to get people to sign a contract saying they won't use their cell phones while driving a car. On Tuesday, they held the second annual Distracted Driving Summit in Washington, D.C. In addition to talking or texting on a cell phone while driving, other distractions are listed as eating (opening food containers while driving), changing the radio station, reaching for something you dropped, or any number of things that happen in the car to take your mind off the road, what you are doing and the other drivers. It only takes a split second for something to change and you can't take it back no matter how much you want to.

The only wreck I've had was because I looked away from the road for just a second. I was going 20 to 25 mph after leaving the light at Buckeye. In that second, someone crossed the highway at Ninth Street and the car in front of me stopped. I looked back just in time to yell, "No!" and crunch. At 25 mph it had enough force to push the car into the one in front of her. I'd hate to think what would have happened if the speeds were higher.

Whether the speed limit is posted or not, it is standard to do 25 mph in all residential zones. Please consider yourself, your family and your neighbors as you drive through our streets.

Have a ramblin' good week.

Reach Gail Davis at 265-1947 or RuhenstrothRamblings@yahoo.com



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