More than 200 people came together July 31 at Mills Park and were inspired by clergy from 11 different faiths for the second Carson City Heal-The-World Interfaith Picnic.
The clergy spoke on the universal themes of the Golden Rule, and the need to help those less fortunate. Throughout the program, the crowd enjoyed songs of peace and love performed by the choirs of the various faiths.
The mission of these events is to bring together people of diverse beliefs and backgrounds. No one is asked to deny their differences; no one is asked to change their beliefs; and no one is judging or being judged. Instead, everyone is invited to come together to learn and share that which they have in common.
The event collected 1,500 food items for the local food bank, FISH (Friends In Service Helping), and raffles for gift baskets raised more than $1,000 for Carson City Animal Services, the Wildland Fuels Reduction Project of the Carson City Fire Department, and Heifer International.
The group would like to make this an annual event, and extends an invitation to all local clergy and faith groups who would like to participate to send an e-maill to