Published Caption: The Class III Train Wreck rapids are the first feature rafters will encounter along the Carson River Aquatic Trail.
One of the most scenic areas within Carson City's boundaries - the Carson River Canyon - just became part of the city's parks system.
On Jan. 28, the city bought nearly 419 acres from John Serpa for open space along the river east of Deer Run Road. The city still is working on a deal to purchase another 490 acres further east from Don Bently.
"We are very, very excited about this. Carson City will now be able to use the land for all kinds of passive recreation," said Carson City Open Space Manager Juan Guzman. "Carson City could soon have all the land along the river almost to Lyon County. This is a very special type of park."
Carson City partnered with Nevada Land Conservancy, Nevada's Question 1 Program, the Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the V&T Railway, and private landowner John Serpa to acquire and permanently protect the property along with 3.5 miles of river frontage.