Silver Dollars & Wooden Nickels: Silver to youth of the year who found right path

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The Nevada Appeal's "Silver Dollar" and "Wooden Nickel" feature recognizes positive achievements from the capital region and, when warranted, points out others that missed the mark.

SILVER DOLLAR: To Ricardo Terriquez who was recently named Youth of the Year by the Boys & Girls Clubs of Western Nevada. Terriquez joined the Boys & Girls Club to help turn his life around.

"If I wouldn't have come here, I would be hanging out with gangbangers right now and not listening to my mom," the 17-year-old said. "I wouldn't want to go down that path."

Terriquez will compete against other Boys & Girls Club members for the State of Nevada Youth of the Year title and a $1,000 college scholarship from Tupperware Brands Corporation on March 15.

"He has excelled in several areas," Teen Director Kallie Day said. "He just stood out."

WOODEN NICKEL: A trip to the old fishin' hole just isn't the same with the prospect that what ever you catch might have too high a mercury content.

Scientists report that compared to some Sierra lakes, Donner is pretty clean, but that doesn't mean it's safe to eat the fish.

The Kokanee caught in the lake shouldn't be eaten more than twice a week and the rainbow trout in limited quantities by children under the age of 16 and women of child bearing age.

SILVER DOLLAR: While most of us were asleep last weekend, staff from the Stewart Conservation Camp and Carson City Sheriff's deputies were busy catching two inmates who escaped from the prison. The inmates escaped about 1 a.m. Saturday but were re-captured at 3:30 a.m. The inmates footprints in fresh snow led to Bodine's Casino where the inmates had caught a cab to a nearby residence.

"We ended up with them back in custody at 3:30 a.m.," said Director of Corrections Greg Cox. "Staff did a fantastic job. I have to say you couldn't have any better cooperation between the (sheriff's office), Bodine's and the taxicab company."

While we are concerned about how the inmates escaped, we are please with the quick reaction and the cooperation between our local entities to ensure the safety of Carson City and its residents.


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