Jazz concert supports high school music

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It's big-band jazz times two when the Mile High Jazz Band presents the eighth annual Mile High-Carson High Jazz Extravaganza, 8 p.m. Friday, Jan. 21 at the Brewery Arts Center Performance Hall, 511 W. King St., Carson City.

The concert, sponsored by the Brewery Arts Center and the Mile High Jazz Band Association, is a benefit for the Carson High Jazz Band programs.

The Extravaganza will include two big bands, combo performances, and a grand finale combining the forces of both big bands.

Tickets prices are $13.50 genera; $11.50 students and seniors; and $6.50 for youth age 12 and under. Tickets are available at the Brewery Arts Center, online at www.breweryarts.org, or at the door. Tickets purchased in advance directly from Carson High Band students will receive a $1.50 discount per ticket.

For information, contact the Brewery Arts Center at 775-883-1976 x 117 or see www.breweryarts.org.

Western artists needed

Western, cowboy, and Southwest Indian artists are invited to participate in art galleries during the Genoa Cowboy Poetry & Music Festival on May 5-8.

Applications and information about vendor opportunities are available at the Town of Genoa, 782-8696.

A complete schedule and Genoa Cowboy Poetry & Music Festival information at www.cowboypoetrygenoa.com.

Local artists opening winter exhibit at BAC

The Nevada Artists Association opens its 60th annual Winter Show at the Brewery Arts Center Gallery in Carson City on Monday, Jan. 17 and continuing until March 4. This is a members-only art exhibit, which features the paintings, photography, sculpture, fine crafts and jewelry of 136 local and regional artists. All art work on exhibit will be for sale.

The NAA Cooperative Gallery is located at Carson City's Brewery Arts Center at 449 W. King St. The gallery is open Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday. Admission is free. For more information, call 882-6411 or go on line at www.nevadaAartist.org.

An artists reception will be held 6-8 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 22. The public is invited to meet the artists, enjoy food, libations and view the works on display.


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