Ayres recognized for years of service

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Assemblywoman Debbie Smith recently presented Janice Ayres, executive director and chief executive officer of the Nevada Rural Counties RSVP Program, a proclamation for her many years of service to the people of Nevada to improve their quality of life.

The proclamation from the 76th Legislative session listed health agencies with whom Ayres has been associated over the past 50 years, including Nevada Rural Counties RSVP Program, which she has headed up since 1979.

"This came as a total surprise, as it was the last thing I expected," Ayres said.

Ayres further commented on this being the most difficult legislative session she has seen since her first one in 1969, but she still is optimistic that programs for the low-income elderly will survive the cuts, especially the Independent Living Grants, which are so cost effective.

The Nevada Rural Counties RSVP Program was able to keep more than 800 seniors in their own homes last year for about $50,000 compared to around $60 million if they had been place in institutions.

For more information on RSVP, go to www.nevadaruralrsvp.org, or call

687-4680, ext.10.


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