Letters to the Editor for May 8

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Where was the

chili cookoff?

My wife and I, along with many others we spoke with, were very disappointed to go to the Sertoma chili cookoff and crafts fair at the Carson Valley Inn only to find out there was no chili cookoff. We never did hear a good explanation as to the reason for this. We have attended this event many times in the past and have always enjoyed ourselves.

I would like to say that the crafts booths were excellent and we spent a fair amount of money at them.

However, I believe a lot, if not most of the people, came out to taste some quality chili on a pleasant spring day and were as disappointed as were we.

I would like to suggest, if I may, to the Sertoma organization, for whom I have the deepest respect for the good work that they do, that they consider making this event an open chili contest rather than an International Chili Society event for future years.

I would also recommend this event be staged just a little later in the season to be able to enjoy warmer spring weather if possible. We have endured some rather cold, windy weekends at CVI at this event in years past.

I conclude with this information. If this event was an open competition, rather than an ICS event, my wife and I would both participate as long as the weather was pleasant. Thank you.

Al Rogers

Carson City

It is not a worry free Mother's Day

A mother's life is one of commitment from the time her child is born. She is steadfast in her love and sacrifices for her child. Love and sacrifice will be her lifetime companions. Without love and sacrifice, a mother's heart is hollow.

Circumstances in today's uncertain world force a mother to live with reality. In a liberal society where drugs and greed dominate, a mother's belief in the goodness of man is shaken and challenged.

A mother's day is not worry free. The lack of money to cover basic needs and pay bills overwhelms her resolve and ability to cope.

Mothers are asked to give so much to satisfy the greed of financial institutions which caused the financial crisis.

Mothers are dismayed and troubled by a Congress that lacks financial responsibility, borrowing and spending money as if accountability doesn't exist.

Borrowing is the Achilles heel of the financial system, a path to bankruptcy and ruination.

James McMullen

Carson City

Parents pleased with amazing care that daughter received

We are writing this letter to sincerely thank the doctors and staff at Carson Tahoe Regional Medical Center. Specifically, we would like to thank Dr. Edgecomb, Dr. Kiernan, Dr. Rau, Dr. Doyle and Dr. Swartz and the numerous nurses, Kerri, and CNAs who took care of our daughter, Ashleigh Morrison Fisicaro, for the last three weeks.

Our daughter contracted a virus that attacked her brain. The symptoms were very similar to the flu until the day she was admitted into the hospital when the symptoms became like a stroke. I am convinced that the doctors attending to her saved her life. They administered the correct medicines and continued to test for this rare virus until they determined what it was and the proper way to treat it.

During that first week, the virus wreaked havoc, and people asked me whether she should be at Stanford or another medical facility. I can tell you that she received medical care from those mentioned above that was second to none.

Thank you again for the caring, knowledgeable, amazing care that you gave our child. I think you are truly angels, and I pray that no one else has to suffer through this with their loved one. Also, thank you to all of the friends and family who gave us and our daughter love, flowers, cards, money and prayers.

Roger and Victoria Williams

Carson City

Something needs

to be done to fix Highway 50

How many people must die? The head-on accidents on Highway 50 between Carson City and Silver Springs that have killed so many is totally unacceptable and something must be done.

The most recent accident took the lives of two children and their father and injured others. We will never know what wonderful lives and accomplishments those two youngsters would have had. My heart and prayers go out to this family who has lost so much.

In most of the accidents that have happened out here, it was not speed that caused the accident, although that too is a problem. It is a driver crossing over the center line or lane into the oncoming traffic. Am I the only one who sees that an inexpensive quick fix would be the rub board vibrating section put in the center of the highway like has been done on Highway 395 on the way to Reno? The increased patrolling that I see since that last accident tends to slow people down a bit, but if someone is going to drift over into the oncoming traffic, the patrol will have little effect.

I, for one, would be in favor of being bounced around just a bit in the course of entering or exiting Highway 50 which, I do on a regular basis, if it would save just one life. Maybe yours or mine.

Barbara Adams

Carson City


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