Carson City Symphony Concert takes 'American Journey'

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The Carson City Symphony, directed by David Bugli, will open its 28th season on att 4 p.m. Sunday with a concert, "American Journey," at the Carson City Community Center's Bob Boldrick Theater, 851 E. William St.

Featured guest soloist is saxophonist Rhett Bender.

The program of works by American composers includes "Concerto for Alto Saxophone and Orchestra" by Paul Creston, "Suite of Old American Dances" by Robert Russell Bennett, and "The Iliad (In the Tenth Year of the Trojan War)" and "The Winds of Poseidon" by Robert W. Smith.

Tickets are $15 general admission; $12 for seniors, students, and Symphony Association members; and free for youth age 16 and younger. Tickets are on sale at Play Your Own Music in the Carson Mall, online at, or at the door. Season tickets at discounted prices are available from the Symphony at (775) 883-4154.

The concert includes pre-show entertainment by the Symphony Woodwind Trio in the lobby beginning at 3 p.m. Musicians are Yumiko Anthenien, oboe; Steve Anthenien, clarinet; and Kathryn Beyer, bassoon.

The audience also is invited to a concert preview in the Sierra Room at 3:15 p.m. and a reception after the concert. The preview, hosted by Conductor David Bugli, will include discussions with soloist Rhett Bender. For reception location, reservations, and directions, call the Symphony at (775) 883-4154.

Rhett Bender is professor of music at Southern Oregon University, Director of the Siskiyou Saxophone Workshop and the Ashland Chamber Music Workshop, and Region 1 Director of the North American Saxophone Alliance. Bender's live performances have been broadcast over several radio stations and he is featured saxophonist on the CD set "America's Millennium Tribute to Adolphe Sax" and on solo saxophone CDs "Transformations" and "Meldings."

Collection bins for Food for Thought will be in the lobby before the concert. This public charity provides a bag of food for hungry, homeless children every Friday, so they can eat on weekends and arrive at school nourished and ready to learn.

Concertgoers may contribute microwaveable soups, individual serving juice boxes, easy mac, dried meats, granola bars, crackers with peanut butter or cheese, shelf stable 8-oz. cartons of milk, plastic cups of fruit, shelf stable pudding, single serve bags of beef jerky, canned or shelf stable meats, instant oatmeal, power bars, calcium enriched instant hot cocoa, pre-mixed tuna salad with crackers, and plastic spoons.

This performance is part of World Music Days, an annual global event affirming the ideals of tolerance, friendship, and shared humanity, inspired by the life and work of journalist and musician Daniel Pearl.


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