Letters to the editor Jan. 8

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Sandoval needs to resolve to better state's economy

Gov. Brian Sandoval's New Year's resolution is a joke. Instead of reading books and kind deeds, he should do something positive to better the economy in this state and the overwhelming crime that has developed. I voted for him, and the way things are now, I will never vote for him again.


Carson City

Please help find missing brother

I am Renee Moore. My brother is William Ravenelle Jr. of Carson City. I am his oldest sibling, and I am contacting you to tell you a little from the family's perspective about this missing local man.

William Ravenelle Jr. is the youngest of four children of William and Nora Ravenelle in Carson City. He is a father of three grown children and has two grandsons, all in Carson City.

He was a member of the Reno Police Department for about 10 years and served at the Reno Tahoe International Airport.

He is a member of Capital Christian Church in Carson City.

Bill is a gifted guitar player. Bill played in the Hiway 50 Blues Band when he first moved to Carson City. He played with his heart, and pleased so many who listened.

Bill is the main caretaker for my elderly parents, William and Nora. He has always been there for them, faithfully.

We have seen articles about my brother and his addiction to pain medications due to recent health issues. The man behind the story is a kind and loving family member and one who is missed terribly by his family and friends.

The family is asking for help with the search for Bill, who went missing Nov. 19.

If anyone has any information, call the Elko police department.

Renee Moore

Lathrop, Calif.

Writer goes partisan when complaining

The comments from Nancy Gammie in which she complains that they all vote on party lines - that is a correct comment.

Then, what does she do? She shows that she is a pretty good Democrat by only saying GOP Sen. Dean Heller voted 99 percent of the time down party lines.

Please explain what happened to Democratic Sen. Harry Reid, who refused to bring 22 bills to a vote in the Senate from Congress. He went down party lines all the way.

If you are going to complain about one, complain about the other.

Carol Ward

Carson City

Storey County mourns loss of staff member

Storey County Justice Court mourns the loss of a long-time staff member. It is with deep sadness we learned that long-time deputy clerk of the Storey County Justice Court, Sue Forbes, passed away last Friday after a long and difficult battle with illness.

Retiring from the justice court on Aug. 12 of this year, Sue had been a dedicated employee of the justice court for more than 11 years. Though the majority of her service was with Judge Annette Daniels, Sue was instrumental in the transition to my appointment as justice of the peace.

We have lost a friend and dedicated public servant. Our sincere condolences are offered to her husband, Dave, and family members.

Judge Jack McGuffey

Storey County Justice of the Peace

Thomas is a good addition to opinion

I'd like to nominate the Nevada Appeal for a Silver Dollar award for adding Bob Thomas to the editorial columns. I knew Mr. Thomas and Mr. Paslov in the previous century when I was a member of the Kiwanis Club.

Having read both of their columns, I have to say they haven't changed much over the years. Mr. Thomas still seems to be fighting for what he sees as truth, justice and the American way, while Mr. Paslov is still stuck on requiring everyone to have a college education while the rest of us pay for it.

That being said, I do read most of the columns or editorials every day before work. The thing I find most refreshing and differentiating with Bob's column is the fact that he tries to define the problem as he sees it, offer an opinion and possible solution. Just trying to label or categorize people or groups just to be able to attack or marginalize them does absolutely no justice to a cause. Being able to have reasonable discourse on an issue or problem with input from all sides is what is necessary in finding a solution.

After watching the Tea Party or Occupy movements develop in this country, it is obvious that the problem really is the government and how it deals with or is swayed by the corporations.

The real changes need to start with our government, defining the problems, offering opinions and then exploring the possible solutions. If only I were king.

Walter Owens

Carson City


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