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Resident enjoys Sheriff's open house

To Kenny Furlong, Carson City Sheriff:

Just wanted to take a minute and thank you for the recent open house. FIrst chance I have taken to see the whole complex and it was really nice. I particularly liked talking to the "gang unit," as they seemed to have a handle of things.

I had a chance to talk to Steve Albertson; he is always very nice and professional. I also enjoyed the hotdogs.

G. Groth

Carson City

Thank you for making 70th birthday party a blast

I want to say a huge "thank you" for my 70th birthday celebration on May 29. Three of my buddies, Linda Colavechio, Sherry Dilley and Cheryl Van Ocker, threw a terrific party.

Our son Eric, daughter-in-law Terri, grandson Nicholas and my sister Kenita came in for the celebration from California. Instead of gifts, my friends donated money to the Boys & Girls Club of Carson Valley. So far, we have raised $3,180. Yahoo!

I feel so blessed to have so many friends and wanted to say "thank you," again, from "my" kids at the Boys & Girls Club of Carson Valley and myself.

Brenda Robertson

Ramac Industries

Thank you to Sierra Lutheran track teams

I would like to extend my thanks to the Sierra Lutheran High School track team members, the coaches and support members for their thoughtfulness and courtesy.

It has been my privilege to be their bus driver for all the sports activities the previous two years and share in their accomplishments.

Also, I would like to say a special "Thank You" to the parents of the track team members for the very generous gift card they gave to me at the awards dinner. This gift was greatly appreciated.

Floyd Young

Bus driver


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