What an amazing time of the year! At first glance one might think “All the leaves are falling, things are dying and winter is right around the corner.”It takes a second look, along with thought, to realize that there is so much to be thankful for. Yes, it is fall, but it is also harvest, a time for reaping that which was sown, a time for gathering that which has been planted, a time of festivity in the home and around the hearth. Thankfulness, gratitude, a couple of words that are, at times, underused. There is a song from days gone by Henry Smith that sings, “Give thanks with a grateful heart.” Gratitude is definitely an attitude. Dietrich Bonhoeffer is quoted saying, “In ordinary life, we hardly realize that we receive a great deal more than we give, and it’s only with gratitude that life becomes rich. It is very easy to overestimate the importance of our own achievements in comparison with what we owe others.” Here are some sayings that are not only fun to read but better to memorize and enriching to live: “It has been said that our favorite attitude should be gratitude,” “He who gives thanks for little, will always find that he has enough,” “Be on the lookout for mercies. The more we look for them, the more of them we will see,” and “Better to lose count while naming your blessings than to lose your blessings by counting your troubles.” The Psalms are filled with encouragement to give thanks. One that’s repeated often is “O, give thanks to the Lord for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.” We have much to be thankful for, salvation being the number one thing, our families, our friends, an amazing country, and our churches. Let’s close with one final saying, and that is, “The art of thanksgiving is thanks-living.” Have a joyous and blessed Thanksgiving.• Pat Propster is the pastor of Calvary Chapel of Carson City.