Letters to the Editor for Thursday, April 11, 2013

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All veterans — both gentlemen and ladies ­— deserve our respect

Regarding the letter from “Making a Difference,” in the March 27 issue, President Jojo L. Myers’ statement relating the choice of help in promoting Veterans of Foreign Wars in their program “Honor Flights Nevada,” I am so grateful for her efforts to raise awareness and efforts in raising funds for not only this program to arrange WWII veterans transportation to Washington, D.C., to visit their memorials, but other worthwhile events, as well.

She stated “ ... (to) help raise the spirits and hearts of the gentlemen that fought for our country ...” Yes, these “gentlemen” deserve all the praise and help we can give them in any area possible.

However, I wonder if Ms. Myers is aware of the fact that only “gentlemen” served in the conflicts of our United States, but served side by side with the military “ladies.” I hate to think that the “ladies” deserved less attention and praise for their service and sacrifices than their comrades in arms. Maybe Ms. Myers was not aware that there were women in the military!

Karol Deal

Carson City

Herding dog reflects Nevada’s spirit better than Weimaraner

I agree with Neena Laxalt, a border collie or some sort of herding dog would represent the great State of Nevada and our long history and heritage of sheep and cattle.

Though I think the Weimaraner breed is a noble dog, it is not a common dog found in Nevada and is often thought of as a more “upper class” dog, whereas a border collie or herding dog is more in line with Nevada’s rugged and independent spirit. I do agree it would be nice to have a state dog.

Christeen Hanson



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