Sena Loyd, technology trainer at the Carson City Library @ Two Digital Learning Center, gives a tour to Boys & Girls Club of Western Nevada director Laurie Gorris during the Young Brains on Summer event at the Carson City Library on Thursday. Teens from the club created video games in a summer teen technology class on game-creation software. Additional classes will begin in September.
More than 2,750 young people ages 6-17 participated in this summer’s reading program and other activities at the Carson City Library and its offerings at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Western Nevada.
“The summer learning participation this year between our patrons at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Western Nevada and those who came to the main branch on Roop Street broke all previous records,” said youth librarian Amber Sady.
The end of those programs was celebrated Thursday during a Young Brains on Summer event at the library.
Summer learning programs were designed to appeal to various levels of vigor. Saturday morning Lego club is more easygoing.
“Lego projects can run the range of complexity. We build basic houses and cars, but I’ve also seen projects that I’m certain are prototypes of future innovations,” Sady said.
The library’s technology trainer, Sena Loyd, worked with several groups of teens who engaged with video journalists from C-SPAN during an early July workshop and developed their newsworthy stories into four- to six-minute documentaries.
Topics include the draft, teen pregnancy and gay marriage.
“The process of storytelling requires critical thinking,” Loyd said. “They understood that and took it all very seriously.”