140 years ago
The ride to Tahoe. Kings Canyon. From the pines down below for the pretty mouth of your sweetheart who during your absence looks after the mustangs from above. The Glenbrook. You will finally reach after spending an hour within a mile of the resort. The majority of those you find inside represent a high toned rendezvous of the head of the lake, the majority of those find are unwilling to ride, fish or swim unless their wallflowerism may be marred or jeopardized (continued Wednesday).
130 years ago
There is nothing particularly delicate bout the stomach of a Nevada editor. John Dennis of the Tuscarora Times-Review says “chopped pigs liver and garlic soaked in gin” is a most excellent dish — Bodie Free Press. Only comparatively, Colonel. We said it was preferable to the fashionable Bodie dish which you recommend: “Chopped calves kidney soaked in absinthe.” — Times-Review.
100 years ago
Great preparations are being made for the demolition of the last dike in the Panama Canal.
70 years ago
Mrs. Clyde West was the honored guest at a party and cradle shower last evening by Mrs. Al Flack. “Cootie” was played for a short time with prizes awarded to Mrs. Amos Buckner and Mrs. Maurice Adams.
50 years ago
(Photo caption) George Plunkett, general manager of 4 TV Systems, announced today the company headquarters for TV cable systems will be in Carson City. The TV network provides six channels of service here.
30 years ago
Motorists were surprised recently to find it raining tiny frogs around Walker Lake. Travelers said hundreds of the croakers were dropped when swirling windstorms picked up the creatures and carried them miles before dropping them.
Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.