Historic Resources Commission leadership remains unchanged

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Carson City's Historic Resources Commission has re-elected Michael Drews as chairman and Robert M. Darney as vice chairman.

The decision, which came at the commission's meeting on Thursday, was made without dissent.

The commission also, without dissent, approved an annual report covering last year's activities. The commission reviews and approves the annual report prepared by city planning staff, after which the document is forwarded to the Board of Supervisors.

In addition, the commission was updated on progress regarding a $15,000 grant to the commission for work on completion of a historic context and research of Kings Canyon Road and preparation of historic structures reporting at Anderson and Lompa ranches.

In November, the commission directed staff to amend the scope of work to make the Kings Canyon Road portion of the grant a priority for the grant award. City staff has met with the Carson City Open Space manager in a bid to obtain any matching funds available.

As of Dec. 26, 2012, staff reported, management of the grant was transferred from Jennifer Pruitt, who left city government, to Planning Director Lee Plemel and the city's Community Development Block Grant manager, Janice Brod.

The next step in the process, according to discussion between staff and commissioners, is finding a consultant to handle the work.

Commission members discussed a list of prospective nominations for 2013 Carson City Historic Preservation Awards recognizing achievements in preservation activities.

For a nomination to be considered, completed forms must be postmarked no later than March 1, with winners selected by the panel at its March 14 meeting.

Through January's meeting, 10 nominees were already in the hopper. One of them is former Supervisor Shelly Aldean for contributions and support of the city's Historic District.


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