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130 Years Ago

Typo's riot: Mangus, the printer also known as the "Lightning Compositor," announced that he could lick any man in the office... Some words ensued when he got on Glenn, the "Washoe Infant," putting a four-line pica dash over his eye. Glenn italicized the Mangus proboscis and was hustled into the street... The typographic terror, after more skirmishing, made his way to the Magnolia (Bar)...

120 Years Ago

Blood poisoning: John P. Martin of Battle Mountain ran a large piece of greasewood into his foot. Although he took it out immediately, some days after that, the foot swelled, blood poisoning ensued and he died...

70 Years Ago

Stamps: Sugar rationing stamp No. 11 is now good for three pounds of sugar. Coffee stamp No. 25 will be good for one pound of coffee...

50 Years Ago

A baby shower was given for Mrs. George Geller and her five-week-old daughter Shari Lynn...Those invited were Mmes. John Gerbatz, William Dolan, Earl Combs, Alfred Perondi...

30 Years Ago

Gov. Richard Bryan selected state official Terry Sullivan, a native of Lovelock, to be acting director of General Services.

10 Years Ago

Five percent of Nevadans are without jobs. The state's rate is a full percent below the national rate...

• Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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