Answering questions about Nevada's health exchange

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How many people are uninsured in Nevada and how many are projected to get insurance under the exchange?

Nevada has the second highest percentage of uninsured residents in the nation, roughly 605,000 people or 23 percent. State officials estimate 118,000 people will sign up for insurance through the exchange during the first open enrollment period that begins Oct. 1.

How many people in Nevada are currently served by Medicaid and how many more will be served under Medicaid expansion?

There are 313,000 Medicaid recipients in Nevada. That number is expected to grow to 490,000 by the end of the 2015 fiscal year as Nevada expands eligibility for Medicaid coverage under the federal Affordable Health Care Act.

How is the Nevada exchange being set up?

Gov. Brian Sandoval and the 2011 Legislature approved the groundwork for the Silver State Health Insur-ance Exchange. It is managed by state administrative staff and a board that oversees its operations. Because Nevada began planning for the exchange two years ago, it will be ready to begin taking enrollments Oct. 1.

How much money has Nevada received so far from the federal government to do the initial work in setting up the exchange?

Nevada has received $74.8 million in establishment grants from the federal governor. Last summer the state approved a $72 million contract to set up the computer system, website and support services needed to begin enrolling people this fall.

How many people will the Nevada exchange employ?

A customer call center to be located in Las Vegas will employ about 50 people to assist consumers with questions and enrollment.

How will the exchange be funded?

The federal government will cover most operating costs, about $10 million, until 2015. After that the program is supposed to be self-sustaining, and Sandoval has said he will not use state general funds to keep it going. Earlier this month the board overseeing the exchange approved monthly fees that will be charged per policy sold to build up a reserve for operating costs. For 2014, health insurance plans that don't include dental coverage will be charged $4.95 per month. Those that include dental will be asse-ssed $5.31, while the fee for stand-alone dental coverage will be 36 cents. Those fees will be added to the cost of insurance premiums and passed on to consumers.


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