Lyon County courts launch tech connectivity initiative

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Lyon County has rolled out a plan aimed at a brighter economic future by moving forward with strategies to boost broadband access and usage through the Connect Nevada initiative.“This plan,” said Kari Larson, general manager of the Silver Springs-Stagecoach Hospital District, “outlines how we will take specific steps to ensure our community is supporting our current residents and businesses by making sure there is access to the global economy...”Larson said the plan would help plug county residents and firms into “”all the educational, health, government and other countless benefits that quality high-speed Internet allows.”Her comments on the Technology Action Plan came earlier this week, at an event in Silver Springs supporting a state initiative which has 13 Nevada communities involved in some stage of the connected community engagement program.The office of Gov. Brian Sandoval and the Nevada Broadband Task Force are leading the initiative. Connect Nevada is a nonprofit organization commissioned by the state to work on the project.The Connected program also is part an initiative funded by the U.S. Department of Commerce NTIA State Broadband Initiative program.“This Connected Technology Action Plan is a big key to success for both the present and future of Lyon County,” said Lindsey Niedzielski, Connect Nevada program manager. He added the plan will help the county take advantage of the economic and lifestyle opportunities the digital age is providing, and is “all part of Nevada’s solid plans for future growth.”Residents were encouraged during the event at Silver Springs to get involved by joining their local Connected technology team and by using the free Every Community Online at using Connect Nevada can get training in computer and Internet skills, which will make them eligible for discounted computers and home Internet services.


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