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130 Years Ago

Famished cows: They stretch their gaunt necks over the fences and gnash their teeth at a basket of potato peelings like a mountain wolf trying to break into a sheep corral, they run about the streets in droves with their ribs clattering, and they butt down gates and force their way into back yards... It is time the city pound be out in operation.

120 Years Ago

All sorts: It is said that nutmeg worn around the neck is a cure for neuralgia rather than a potato in the pocket for rheumatism.

70 Years Ago

Restaurants: The agriculture department is drafting an order to limit the size of meals so that “diners-out” will get no more food than those at home. Under the new plan, restaurant customers would not be required to surrender ration coupons, but the size of meals would be severely limited such by certain ounces of meat, the number of vegetables, choice of soup, cocktail or desert, not all three, a choice of milk or coffee, not both...

50 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Market Spot – Cans of applesauce, pears, fruit cocktail, oranges—five for $1; Simple Simon 9-inch fruit pies—49 cents; Swanson TV dinners 33 cents; 2 pounds of coffee $1.69...”

30 Years Ago

Conforte: U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Robert Jones decided to leave Sally Conforte in control of Mustang Ranch... Mrs. Conforte filed voluntary bankruptcy. She has operated the business since 1980 when her husband Joe Conforte fled rather than face a prison term for tax evasion.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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