Dream park concept for Mills Park OK’d

A key to the areas where improvements are proposed to help make the Palo Verde Park and surrounding Mills Park area Americans With Disabilities Act  compliant.

A key to the areas where improvements are proposed to help make the Palo Verde Park and surrounding Mills Park area Americans With Disabilities Act compliant.

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Private-sector fundraising and grant requests can get under way in earnest for a universal dream park project proposed for Carson City’s Mills Park, said Parks and Recreation Director Roger Moellendorf.

He made that comment Friday after the proposal from a private organization, backed earlier by the Parks and Recreation Commission, got approval late Thursday from the Board of Supervisors. The concept involves many playground structures and other amenities that not only meet requirements of the Americans With Disabilities Act but go a well beyond it to provide activities for anyone, including those in wheelchairs.

“They approved the action,” Moellendorf said of board members, adding it means Mills Park was designated as the prospective site and private-sector fundraising can be stepped up. “They were receptive to it.”

The action means those trying to raise money have at lest five years, and the goal they set when the park was put before Moellendorf and his department’s commission Oct. 1 was an ambitious $1.5 million.

Appearing then were Wendy Robards of Dayton and Barron Lauderbach of Carson City, who said the Wendy Robards Universal Dream Park project was being spearheaded by a grassroots group. Robards’ daughter Aubrie, in a wheelchair due to a genetic disorder called Jouberts syndrome.

The group’s information packet shows that members envision a park in which special-needs children can play alongside their siblings, parents with disabilities aren’t hindered from interacting with their children and seniors find it inviting to play with their grandchildren or exercise.


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