Past Pages for Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2013

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140 Years Ago

Bad whiskey: A man from the mountains was arraigned in Justice Wetherill’s court for making his bed in a public street. The disposition of the man to sleep on the street was the result of imbibing too much bad whiskey He was fined and went to jail.

130 Years Ago

All sorts: John Ayers, while chopping wood, nearly severed the big toe of his left foot.

120 Years Ago

Cave rock no more: Citizens of Glenbrook heard an awful roaring which made the earth tremble. Then a huge wave 40 or 50-feet-high was seen coming from around the point to the left of Glenbrook. It came with such force over the wharf, up into the store and wetting the front of the Lakeshore House. The butcher shop was lifted off its foundation, the wharf badly damaged, and Jellerson’s saloon was a wreck and had a large log driven into the rear at one end that rested on the billiard table. The Meteor and the Emerald were thrown against the wharf — it was found that Cave Rock had toppled over into the lake ... now nothing remains but an unsightly hole in the mountain.

70 Years Ago

Post-War Carson: The Carson City Lions Club is planning for the future by unanimously accepting a rehabilitation resolution and adopting plans purposed to assist all service men and women returning from the war to civilian life ...

50 Years Ago

Millions of television viewers watched in horror as Jack Ruby, a Dallas night club proprietor, killed Lee Harvey Oswald. Clergy and civic leaders denounced the slaying, “ ... as an unlawful and damaging act.”

30 Years Ago

Boa constrictor: The Carson City Sheriff’s Office reported finding a 5-feet-long boa constrictor hibernating in the Carson City Nugget’s parking lot ...

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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