Pioneer High outstanding students named



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Teachers and other staffers selected the outstanding students for the first quarter at Pioneer High School. They are:

Khaslynne Andrews

Khaslynne Andrews is an excellent student and a quality individual. She embraces her education and applies herself in our classroom. She often extends her understanding of content beyond what is required with insatiable curiosity and a solid work ethic. It has been a joy to work with Khaslynne this semester and look forward to her being a part of our class this year.

— Mr. Don Bland

Travis Milner

I would like to nominate Travis Milner. I have a good connection with him, and he has made good gains since last year. He is a good guy, and helps other students in class. This is Travis’ second year at PHS, and his level of interest and work ethic has shown steady improvements over the last five quarters.

The biggest difference for me is that he has proven to himself that he is capable and is now willing to complete work to the best of his ability and has seen a good increase in his grades. He attends every day, is respectful and is always willing to help other students or seek help from others when appropriate. He is a model student in my class, and not necessarily because he knows everything, but more because he is willing to put in the effort to figure things out and get work done.

— Mr. Tony Brown

Michele McQuerey

I nominate Michele McQuerey in Construction Tech I. Michele discovered a whole new side of herself in the construction management CTE class. At the beginning of the year she did not believe she could do the work in the class. By the end of the quarter she was at the top of the class in her carpentry skills and earning an A in the class. She is the most skilled student in her class.

— Mr. Dave Johnson

Melissa Reyes

Melissa Reyes has stepped up and done what we asked of her. She has also signed up for an online class to earn the extra credits. Melissa works hard in the office, she keeps up with all of the filing and if she runs out of work in here she is willing to go and help another teacher. I have seen a change in her as well and the effort she is putting into school.

— Mrs. Conny Hernandez

Hector Soriano

Hector Soriano worked very hard on his Carson Online class. Although there were times he struggled with the concepts being taught, Hector was always willing to work with an online teacher to review the material to be sure he could pass his class. He is definitely an Outstanding first quarter Pioneer student!

— Mrs. Jill Council

Shelby Swanson

I would like to nominate Shelby Swanson as the outstanding student for quarter 1. Shelby is a young woman who is bright and driven. She is not only an amazing English student, but is a dedicated yoga practitioner as well. When faced with life struggles, she stands strong, but is also not afraid to ask for support. Her daily smile and desire for continual growth are qualities that we are all lucky to have moving out into the world. I feel lucky to know her and honored to be her teacher.

— Ms. Elizabeth Lucinian

Louise Machell

I nominate Haley Louise Machell as my PHS Outstanding student based on academics, attendance, and behavior. She hated math before but she told me that she loves it now. She was my top student overall based on academic performance.

— Mr. Rey Sarmiento

Jonathan Vasquez

I would like to recommend Jonathan Vasquez. He earned exceptional grades in art last semester and had one of the best attitudes of any student in the class. He took on new and challenging assignments with fantastic enthusiasm. He was able to discover that he is a very talented artist because he was so willing to develop new skills. Awesome student!

— Ms. Pamela McMullan

Keenan Blackmoore

Keenan Blackmoore has served the school diligently as the photographer for the yearbook class. He has been an active member and leader of the student leadership group. He earned an “A” in the pilot 1-1 English class, often seeking additional work beyond the assigned work. He has been a leader of students, and a positive influence on his classmates. His effort has improved the educational environment for all of the PHS students.

— Dr. Ron Rhoads

Matt Linder

Matt Linder was chosen for his continued academic excellence and is congratulated for his Honor Roll status. Not only does Matt maintain a high grade-point average, he participates in several extracurricular activities.

He is a natural skier and participates in several Project Discovery activities and yoga. Matt is consistently a leader on the Pioneer High School campus. He served as a student mentor for the four-day Rock Creek expedition and provided assistance and guidance to his fellow classmates.

Matt is on track for the Millennium Scholarship, and has a cumulative grade-point average of 3.96. He has earned 24.5 credits and could graduate early; however, he has chosen to take extra courses to prepare for college.

— Mr. Jason Zona


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