Senator Square: Sandoval welcomes new NHS members

Zoey Gray

Zoey Gray

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The National Honor Society Induction Ceremony went very well. Thank you NHS officers for all the work. Thank you to parents and family for coming and supporting your child and our program. Gov. Brian Sandoval was the keynote speaker for the ceremony. He congratulated students on their academic achievements and commended them on their commitment to our community. Then he spoke about our core values: scholarship, character, leadership and service.

National Honor Society is hosting its fall Blood Drive. It will be held from 7:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Oct. 11 in the small gym. Everybody is invited to participate. Free T-shirt and refreshments will be provided. Also a free cholesterol test is available with every donation. You can sign up online at, the code word is Senators. Or just ask any NHS member to sign you up. Thank you for supporting such a worthy cause.


The Guidance Department will host two separate evenings for parents of juniors and seniors, respectively. Seniors and their parents are invited on Monday and juniors and their parents are scheduled for Wednesday. The topics covered will include senior projects, college placement exams, college financial aid and much more. Both presentations will be held in the CHS Library at 6 p.m.


Don’t miss the Senator Scholarship Scoop, which is available every Monday Morning with the latest news about scholarships, testing information, college visits, grants and endless trivial information. You are responsible for all directions, deadlines and specific criteria required for each application. Read the information carefully. The Scoop is available online at, go to “Guidance” then “The Scoop” or you can pick one up in the Guidance Office.


Sophomores and juniors make sure to sign up for the PSAT. Not only for practice, also for National Merit Scholarship money. Go to the finance office between now and Thursday to get signed up, the cost of the test is $20 check or money order to CHS.


Seniors: If you did not have your senior pictures taken during the summer, you will have a chance to have them taken during Senior Makeups. The photos will be taken Tuesday, Oct. 29 and Wednesday, Oct. 30 at the Marriott Hotel on South Carson Street. Call StudioMonet and make an appointment: 916-454-3888. Seniors, this is your year. Don’t miss your chance to be part of the 2014 Carneta yearbook.


YIELD is a school club that means Youth Influencing Everyday Life Decisions. YIELD had an actual car involved in an accident caused by a drunk driver displayed throughout the week at CHS along with the true story for kids to read and learn from. The vehicle was parked out front, encouraging students to make good decisions. YIELD works closely with Partnership Carson City to educate youth. Anyone is allowed to join. If anyone is interested in joining YIELD see Ms. Been.


The spotlight this week is on Zoey Gray. Zoey maintains a weighted grade point average of 4.65. More than half her classes since freshman year have been either Honors or Advanced Placement courses. Zoey is a semifinalist for the 2014 National Merit Scholarship, which is based on PSAT scores.

She’d love to attend college next year at either Stanford or Pomona, but will also apply to other West Coast colleges. Zoey wants to major in chemistry, biology or other science. Zoey is a member of the National Honor Society, is a Link Crew leader, and played volleyball in freshman and sophomore years. She also gets paid as a math tutor for students. Zoey spent two and a half weeks in England as a Rotary Exchange student. She plays cello and percussion and one of her goals is to play in an orchestral ensemble after graduating. Carson High School is proud to spotlight such a bright and well-rounded individual and we wish her success in the future.

Angila Golik is a government teacher and a member of Senator Pride.


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