Letters to the editor for Saturday, Oct. 12, 2013

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Democrats lack the sensitivity they preach

The mendacious rhetoric coming from Washington re-confirms my lack of trust with our government. Our dysfunctional Congress needs to stop the blame game and begin to negotiate and hopefully compromise on a satisfactory bill for all Americans, not just the privileged insiders. Albeit, a leader has to be present to bring the two parties together. To listen to the Democrats’ animus language is offensive (anarchist, extortionist, terrorist) and definitely politically incorrect. Is it not the Dems who are always preaching to us to be sensitive with our words? Time you practice what you preach. We elected you to represent us with decorum and civility.

Inga Silver

Carson City

Appeal only interested in right-leaning views

I, and others, have been proponents of the Nevada Appeal publishing political commentaries that contain a wider range of opinions than those that have appeared in the past. As is evidenced by some changes that have been made, they seemingly agreed, but only to a limited degree.

The current team is composed of Chuck Muth, who is president of a conservative group and writes a helpful, informative right-leaning column. Guy Farmer, a moderate conservative with a diversified background, writes competently on a range of issues. A new addition is Bo Statham, a retired lawyer, congressional aide and businessman. Mr. Statham’s viewpoints are more progressive, and his columns are written insightfully. Another new member of this team is Dan Mooney, a longtime Carson resident who has contributed articles in the past. Mr. Mooney describes himself as a been there, done that liberal who has learned from the negatives of his experience and now states that liberals are emotionally driven and exhibit dysfunctional behavior in contrast to conservatives who are driven by a rational thought process. He also states that liberals want to eliminate guns, which is simply untrue.

Currently, the Appeal is searching for an additional conservative columnist which will only add to the imbalance. I firmly believe the public is better served when a newspaper presents a broad spectrum of viewpoints. In reviewing the columnists whose commentaries appear in this newspaper, it is evident the Appeal is not interested in a truly balanced team at this point.

Martin J. Fischer

Carson City


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