Senator Square: Carson High club action gets under way this week

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Two weeks down at CHS and the smoke hasn’t cleared … literally and figuratively. Things are heating up with our clubs. Many sporting competitions were rescheduled. The smoke has hampered outdoor activities, but not our CHS spirit.


The following is written by Kyle Kunz, public relations officer.

Looking back on the previous week, the back-to-school assembly went fantastic! It boosted school spirit and allowed students to see all the sports they could ever want to participate in at Carson High. Starting off the week with Monday, there will be no school because of Labor Day. Guys and girls tennis is kicking off their season Tuesday! The girls will play North Tahoe at home, and the guys will play at North Tahoe. Both matches will start at 3. Wednesday is also looking very eventful, as the HOSA club will have their first meeting right after school, and at 6 is open house! Parents and students are both welcome to attend and see the wonderful things that happen at Carson High School. Friday our football team will take on the Reno High Huskies at their place at 7! The weekend doesn’t get much of a break, either. Saturday, our JV and varsity soccer teams will be taking on Reno High at Reno. Not to forget the start of cross-country season, at 3 in Shadow Mountains Park (Sparks) on Saturday, our runners will run their hearts out to show that Carson is the best!


The CHS engineering program would like to thank the Nevada Department of Transportation speaking to our students in the “Principles of Engineering” course. Rob Easton led the three-person team that spoke about careers in engineering. Accompanying him were two former Carson High students who are now civil engineers at NDOT, Megan Kilty and Amanda Osborne. These two also have offered to be part of the National Manufacturing Week activities at Carson High on Oct. 1-2. Again, we send a big thank you to Easton and NDOT, from CHS and Mr. Nathan Girdner, engineering instructor.


Key Club

Interested in community service? Join the Key Club, a large group of students who do volunteer work. The first meeting is Tuesday at lunch in Room 256 (Been’s room).

Native American Club

The Native American Club will meet Wednesday at lunch in Room 114.


Sophomores, juniors and seniors with a simple GPA of 3.45 or higher are invited to join National Honor Society. Pick up your application packet from Mrs. Glenn in Room 224. The application deadline is Sept. 11. If you have questions, see Mrs. Glenn.


HOSA meets Wednesday in the library right after school. HOSA — Future Health Professionals is for any student interested in a health career. For information, see Mrs. G in Room 206 or Mr. Sakelarios in Room 258.

Link Crew

The crew meets Tuesday at lunch in the library, aka The Crew Cave.


The Gay Straight Alliance Club will meet Sept. 11 at lunch in the library. GSA’s mission is to end mistreatment and bullying of all students, regardless of one’s sexual orientation.

The club invites students to the premier showing of “Trans,” set for 5:30 p.m. Sept. 16 at the Galaxy Fandango Theater. The documentary focuses on the transgender community. PFLAG Carson Region is proud to sponsor the screening; go to buy tickets.


Future Business Leaders of America will meet Sept. 10 at lunch in Mrs. Golik’s Room 243. Snacks will be provided. For more information, see Mrs. Golik in room 243.

Do you have old Senator gear that no longer fits or Senator clothes that could be passed along to someone else? Think about donating it to FBLA; we will have a Senator Yard Sale on Sept. 21. Please bring donations to Room 243.


The Senator Scholarship Scoop (formerly known as the Guiding Light) is available at the Carson High website ( under “Academics” and “Guidance.” The Scholarship Scoop can be found on the tab on the left side of the screen. Scholarships are advertised in the Scoop, which is updated weekly. Hard copies are available in the Guidance Office. Aside from scholarship information, it will include college and military recruiter visit dates, ACT and SAT test dates, and helpful websites. Counselors are meeting with seniors to discuss credits, post-high school plans, scholarships and financial aid.


Seniors, you can buy senior shirts at The password is “leadership,” or you can stop by the leadership room for an informational flyer. Shirts will be on sale for $15. Sales close Friday, so don’t procrastinate.


Do you struggle with math? Tutoring is from 2-3 p.m. daily except on early-release days in Mrs. Walls’ room Room 223.


This week’s Senior Spotlight is on Genoa Donaldson. Her weighted GPA is a 4.41 and her classes include numerous AP courses, an honors class, Culinary III and Wind Ensemble. Genoa plans to go to culinary school and major in Culinary Arts and Food Service Management. She hopes to eventually receive a master’s degree in food science. Her extracurricular activities include being a section leader for marching band and competing for culinary arts in ProStart and Skills USA. She also is an after-school math tutor. Genoa is involved in Link Crew and National Honors Society. She has been an Edible Pedal volunteer for two years and has participated in numerous community-service events. She is enrolled in National Technical Honor Society and has been in marching band and wind ensemble for four years. Carson High School is proud of Genoa’s achievements and wishes her success.

Angila Golik is a government teacher and member of Senator Pride.


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