Past Pages for Thursday, April 3, 2014

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140 years ago

We took a turn around the race course yesterday. The rains and melting snows of the past winter have somewhat impaired the track, but the plow and harrow will soon put it in excellent order again. The owner of the property, Mr. Mike Stewart, is hard at work with the needed repairs.

130 years ago

Monte Christo, the Carson correspondent to the Silver State newspaper says: “Times were never so dull in Carson as they are at present. Every business house with a few exceptions, is tottering on the verge of bankruptcy, and whispers of failures and attachments are coming from every quarter. Many have lost faith in our business future, while others are still sanguine of better days.” This statement is hardly endorsed by the facts.

100 years ago

A mystifying case resulting in the death of Mrs. Abbie Cowing, an old-time resident of Carson City, occurred at the Blackwell ranch this morning. Two people, a man and a woman, are implicated and in jail this morning pending an investigation and verdict of a coroner’s jury.

70 years ago

On Saturday, March 25, the Carson City Appeal was sold to Geo. R. Burris of Placerville, publisher of The Placerville Times. Finding it impossible to obtain an office staff, he resold the property to Wesley L. Davis Jr., of Carson City, who also owns the Virginia City News. For 79 years the Carson City Daily Appeal was established in 1865 by Henry Rust Mighels and has been in the Mighels and Davis families to this date.

50 years ago

The rapidly advancing Nugget construction is now very evident, the walls at the northeast are rising rapidly, the new restroom facilities are open, and the “Cork ‘N Bottle” is open for inspection.

30 years ago

From the April Fool’s edition of the Nevada Ordeal: Compelling Club News. Compiled by Michele Anita Gonzales Rodriguez Quintero-Brown. Carson City Lions Club will meet today at the MGM at noon. Guest speaker will be the famous MGM Lion who will discuss “Finding a Good Agent.”

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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