Letters to the editor for Friday, Jan. 31, 2014

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Letter writer sells GOP candidate short

This is in response to Lynn Muzzy’s letter to the editor dated Jan. 25 in the Nevada Appeal and Jan 24 in the Record-Courier. Apart from the obvious (that this man is a regular at writing letters for the Wheeler campaign), it seems that he is more anarchist than Republican. He has condemned the current governor time after time, but beyond that he is espousing old white man rules as if that is representative of Republicans at large.

I’m a Republican. I vote in every election, and I refuse to believe that racist, misogynistic principles guide the GOP. Calling Robin Reedy, who I have known since the first day she moved to Nevada, “a perfectly lovely person” is dismissive of the incredibly impressive resume this woman has and the impressive work she has accomplished for Nevada and for the Republican Party. It’s time for an educated, accomplished and effective woman to represent me.

Darnell Leegard


Government owes us health care answers

What disappoints me most about a letter in last Tuesday’s Appeal bemoaning the surge in his wife’s insurance premiums is that no one tells the writer what is really happening. I’m not sure I know either, but in my personal view, based on 45 years experience selling health insurance, it all boils down to adverse selection. Obamacare provisions make this happen in the individual and family plan market.

With premiums as high as they are, even sick people, or perhaps especially sick people, may not be able to foot the bill of adversity, except when they qualify for Medicaid, where you and I (aka the government) pay their premiums. Then, as an article in the New York Post on Dec. 8 notes: “The good news, if you want to call it that, is that roughly 1.6 million Americans have enrolled in Obamacare so far. The not-so-good news is that 1.46 million of them actually signed up for Medicaid.”

It’s easy to understand that the insurance pool the writer’s wife participates in has suddenly gotten a lot dirtier, but not the polls for big labor and big business and big government. They are exempt. In theory, these pools will be charged for the adverse experience they avoid. I give Anthem Blue Cross credit for assuming this will not happen.

I think it’s time to ask our representatives in Congress some difficult questions.

Michael Goldeen

Carson City


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