Past Pages for Tuesday, April 1, 2014

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140 years ago

The Hamilton News of March 28 says: Stage men concur in the opinion that the various roads leading into Hamilton from all directions are just now in much worse condition than ever before known.

130 years ago

The Washoe Lake Boat Club now numbers 18 members. No commodore has yet to be selected. The game law went into effect at midnight last night and will remain until September next. The penalty provided for violators is very severe, therefore pot hunters are counseled to beware.

100 years ago

Many years ago on March 1, 1867, one of the early settlers of Carson, John Steiner, passed away and was buried by his brother Masons in the Masonic Plot in the Lone Mountain Cemetery. Yesterday his relatives arrived from Pittsburgh in search of the grave to have the body exhumed for burial in the family plot in Pittsburgh. A search is on to find the grave.

70 years ago

Gov. Carville on the weekend will present an American flag to the Dresslerville Indian community to honor “the Indian boys in service.” The governor praised the “intense patriotism” of the Indians for their all-out participation in this war.

50 years ago

Nevada Gas Utilities Corp. will appeal to the courts a Nevada Public Service Commission decision denying the company natural gas service rights to three Nevada communities.

30 years ago

From the April Fool’s edition of the Nevada Ordeal: ‘Big Flush Day’ proclaimed, by Greeley, Ordeal Staff Writer. The Bored of Stupervisors spent two hours “dotting the i’s and crossing t’s” Thursday to help the Public Quirks Department in its quest to get the sewer treatment plant on line before “the big flush.”

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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