Nevada Business Connections will hold its next breakfast meeting from 7:30 to 9 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 17 at the Gold Dust West Casino, 2171 Highway 50 East, Carson City.
The event will feature a workforce experts power panel in which NBC will feature a panel of employee/employer agency personnel who will discuss what resources they have and how they can help.
Scheduled to participate are Collie Hutter, president and CEO of Click-Bond; Dr. Carol Lucey, former Western Nevada College president; Ann Silver, JOIN executive director; Sandra Haslam, NVIE director; David Steiger, director of economic development, WNC, Nevada DETR, JobConnect, TMCC, with guest Emily Howarth.
Reservations can be made by contacting (775) 882-8306 or (775) 771-5747 or at Cost is $25 per member, $35 per guest and $25 for students with NSHE ID.