From the Nevada Appeal on Oct. 31, 1976: Yerington fire cadets take a dousing in the Nevada Day water fights.
Editor’s Note: This continues a series featuring the Appeal’s coverage of past Nevada Days.
Reprinted from the Oct. 31, 1952, Nevada Appeal:
Gov. Charles H. Russell has proclaimed Oct. 31 as Nevada Day and urged all Nevadans to participate in the state’s 88th birthday celebration today in Carson City.
In declaring Oct. 31 as a legal holiday, Russell’s proclamation read:
“Whereas Nevadans, young and old, will pause from their daily tasks to commemorate Nevada’s 88th birthday on Oct. 31, whether they be at home or in far flung corners of the globe; and whereas, the day cannot pass without our memories turning to those bold and energetic men and women, who by their toil, proved even the great Daniel Webster so completely wrong, when he spoke out on the U.S. Senate floor in the middle 1850s: ‘What do we want with .... this region of savages and wild beasts, of deserts of shifting sands and whirlwinds of dust, of cactus and prairie dogs ... of those endless mountain ranges’; and whereas, our great natural resources, whether the mineral wealth of our mountains which helped to save the Union in the Civil war; the agricultural products and livestock from our valley and range lands; the great water power sources harnessed in our rivers; or even our arid wastes, where scientists daily delve deeper into the wonders of atomic power ... all have played their important roles in the progress Nevada has enjoyed; and whereas we have a heritage to pass along to our children of that right to build our State and Nation to even greater heights, as God gives us that right.
Now, therefore, I Charles H. Russell, Governor of the State of Nevada, by virtue of the authority in me vested by Section 3308.01, Nevada Compiled Laws, 131-41 Supplement, do hereby proclaim Friday, Oct. 31, 1952 as Nevada Day and a legal holiday.
To observe fittingly this historic day, all State, County and Municipal offices, and the University of Nevada, shall remain closed. It is my desire that all places of business in our State, wherever convenient to join in ceremonies marking this anniversary. Our State Capitol, Carson City, will again be the center of our birthday celebration. Committees are working outstanding program for the untiringly to present another thousands of visitors, young and old alike, who will crowd our capitol city.
It is my wish that all residents make every effort to come to Carson City to join in this colorful and traditional celebration. For those who are unable to participate in these ceremonies, it is my hope that they may observe Nevada’s 88th birthday in some appropriate manner of a public nature and by displaying throughput the State the Flag of our County on all public and private buildings.”