Carson City’s WNC hosting event about geology of national parks | Serving Minden-Gardnerville and Carson Valley

Carson City’s WNC hosting event about geology of national parks

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Winnie Kortemeier, a Western Nevada College geology professor, will share her knowledge about the geology of the U.S. National Parks in a free lecture at 7 p.m. Friday, May 1, in Marlette Hall at Western Nevada College.

“I’m teaching a three-credit geology class that studies the National Parks, and have compiled an extensive collection of beautiful photos of the National Parks, monuments, and seashores,” she said. “I would like to share these images with the public. They depict every aspect of geology and are a fun way to learn about geologic topics.”

Dr. Kortemeier will discuss the parks in groupings based on their tectonic settings.

“Maybe people will be inspired to visit at least one park from each grouping, to better understand the geologic differences,” she said. “The Silver State is proud to have Great Basin National Park in Northeast Nevada, and shares Death Valley National Park with California,” she noted.

Marlette Hall is in the Cedar Building on WNC’s Carson City campus. Seating is available on a first come, first serve basis.