Past Pages for Sunday, Aug. 2, 2015

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150 years ago

All is quiet on the Sweetwater. At any rate no clicking of telegraph instruments, sending westward messages disturbs the stillness with broods over the saccharine stream (see next Thursday’s pages).

Another Rebel Assassin. Late Oregon dispatches record the murder, at Idaho City, of ex-Sheriff Pinkham, by one Fred Patterson, who shot him in the back. The telegram says, “The cause is reported to have been an old political grudge.”

130 years ago

Some Washoe Indians in the eastern part of the state killed one of their number because he talked French. If his French was anything like Johnny Herefords of Virginia City, their actions had much solid justification.

100 years ago

Yesterday was certainly prisoners’ day in Carson. The game of baseball at Valley Park brought out a goodly audience of baseball fans and all the prisoners whose conduct entitled them to extra good treatment for good behavior. Besides the members of the baseball team, there were 40 of those who have offended against the law. The game ended in defeat for the prison nine.

70 years ago

Decision on the Nevada Day celebration will be put up to the general public, the Chamber of Commerce committee named to consider the proposal decided Wednesday with representatives of the Lions Club and Rotary Club. The question, says the Chamber, is too important to be ruled on by a single group.

50 years ago

The two-day rodeo sponsored by the Washoe Valley Landowner’s Association will wind up today with cutting stock and hackamore classes and seven arena events this afternoon. All events take place at the Steen Ranch adjacent to Bowers Mansion. Proceeds go to build a much-needed fire station and community hall in Washoe Valley.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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