FeB. 12,1926: Ford price changes announced
Telegraphic advices of change in Ford prices were received in Carson City by Dealer Archie Pozzi last evening.
Reductions are $95 in the cost of a Fordor sedan, $60 on a Tudor sedan, and $20 on a coupe.
Increases are $30 on each runabout and $20 on each touring car.
No change is made in the prices of trucks, tractors and Model T chasses.
Under the new schedule the F.O.B. prices on closed models of Fords are:
Fordor sedan — $565
Tudor sedan — $520
Coupe — $500
The notices received by Pozzi stated that increased demand makes possible the reductions on the closed models.
This continues the Appeal’s review of news stories and headlines during its Sesquicentennial year.