Carson High School students, from left, Kyle Glanzmann, Alana Burson, Jessica Preston, Victoria Defilippi, Alexandra Siple, Ella Haggerty and Steici Torres created winning public service announcements as part of the freshmen transitions program in partnership with the Carson City Library. Their videos will be shown in March and April at the Galaxy Fandango Theater.
Starting next month, some Carson High School freshmen will be able to see their work broadcast on the big screens at the Galaxy Fandango movie theater.
“I’m excited,” said Victoria Defilippi, 15. “We get credit for a big project a lot of people are going to see.”
As part of the freshmen transitions program at Carson High School — in its second year — students were tasked with creating 60-second public service announcements.
The two winning videos will be broadcast in March and April at the movie theater during the previews with other local advertisements.
“It’s a big deal,” said Ella Haggery, 14. “You see other commercials there that you have to pay a lot of money for.”
Through the course, students learned the importance of skills such as good sleeping habits, eating well, exercising and effective study techniques. Students chose from those skills to create a persuasive video.
Jessica Preston’s group encouraged students to become involved in campus activities as a deterrent to dropping out.
“It’s a really good message,” said Preston, 14. “When you have a reason to go to school, you’re going to show up every day.”
Through a Library Services Technology grant, Molly Walt, technology trainer at the Carson City Library, taught the students how to create the PSAs. Students then walked to the library every week to create the videos in the library’s Digitorium.
“It turned out really well,” Walt said. “Their end product is something to be proud of.”
Kyle Glanzmann, 14, and Alana Burson, 15, showed the importance of physical exercise in their video.
“You get so stressed in class,” Burson said. “When you exercise, it will affect your performance in class for the better.”
The winning videos will be shown this evening during a joint meeting of the Carson City Supervisors and the Carson City School District.
Tammy Westergard, assistant library director, said the project showcases the partnership between the school district, library and city.
— where all of the entities adopted one another’s strategic plans.
“This is a superior example of institutional alignment over three different jurisdictions,” Westergard said. “The project shows what is possible for students with all stakeholders working together to achieve common goals.”