A UPS truck drives through water coming across Johnson Lane Wednesday afternoon after a deluge brought water and debris down from the Pinenut range.
Flooding that struck northern Carson Valley on Wednesday afternoon was declared a disaster by Douglas County commissioners.
The declaration will allow the county to call in additional crews to help clear roads, remove debris and repair infrastructure damaged in the floods, according to Sheriff’s Sgt. Pat Brooks.
A powerful thunderstorm struck Douglas County starting around 2 p.m. bringing heavy rain and hail.
Water quickly filled streams and washes from the East Valley, including Johnson Lane and Buckbrush washes.
The county declaration has been forwarded to the Nevada Division of Emergency Management. A state declaration could be considered, depending on the amount of damage.
Most of the flooding on Wednesday focused in the Stephanie Way and Johnson Lane areas, closing both roads.
East Fork Fire Protection District personnel, Douglas County Sheriff’s Office, Douglas County Search and Rescue and Douglas County Road personnel responded immediately and are currently making assessments and cleaning roadways. East Fork Fire Protection District is out helping to deploy sandbags in the Johnson Lane area. Sandbags are available at Fire Station 6 on Stephanie Lane.
Consideration to secure private contractor assistance will be made today following further assessment and once water flows have slowed.
County officials will be working with the state damage assessment teams to determine the amount of damage to public infrastructure as well as attempting to determine private property damage following state and FEMA damage assessment criteria. The County hopes to have this report completed as soon as possible.
Anyone who thinks their wellhead has gone below the level of the water and contaminated their well should contact:
Nevada State Health Laboratories
1660 North Virginia Street
Reno, NV 89503
(775) 688-1335
Any resident having issues with sewer contamination or septic system exposure, should contact the Douglas County Building Department, Valerie Nunes at (775) 782- 6222.
Debris sites have not been currently established, Brooks said. If debris sites are established the information will be released on social media at douglascountynv.gov and via press release or public notice at the field office.