The Commanders Jazz Ensemble, part of the U.S. Air Force Band of the Golden West from Travis Air Force Base California, will perform at 3 p.m. Sunday, June 28.
The Commanders Jazz Ensemble, part of the U.S. Air Force Band of the Golden West from Travis Air Force Base California, carries on the American musical tradition of the great traveling big bands, yet offers a lot more than the big band sounds. Under the direction of Master Sergeant Jeremiah True, this energetic group of highly-trained professional air personnel-musicians offers an entertaining show you won’t soon forget and they are performing at the Carson City Community Center for an afternoon performance at 3 p.m. Sunday, June 28.
During a concert you’re likely to hear the music of jazz legends Duke Ellington, Woody Herman and Count Basie as well as contemporary big band leaders and composers such as Gordon Goodwin and Maria Schneider. And no concert would be complete without a tribute to the late Major Glenn Miller and his famous Army Air Corp band. Featuring outstanding soloists as well as a superb vocalist, The Commanders is an ensemble capable of delivering a powerful musical performance.
Touring the western states of Arizona, California, Nevada, Oregon, Idaho, Utah and Washington, the U.S. Air Force Band of the Golden West has performed for thousands of listeners in live concerts and millions worldwide via its numerous recordings and television and radio broadcasts.
The only active-duty Air Force band west of the Rockies, the Band of the Golden West is dedicated to using the power of music to inspire our Air Force members and the great nation we serve, producing innovative musical programs and products, and communicating Air Force excellence.
The performance will be held at the Carson City Community Center Bob Boldrick Theater. Tickets are free and may be obtained Monday-Friday between 8 a.m.–5 p.m. at the Carson City Chamber, 1900 S. Carson Street.