Where would state find funds to manage public lands?
Let’s find win-win solutions to public lands issues. There are plenty of issues the Nevada Legislature could be taking on. Instead, lawmakers are wasting their time and our money on something hunters, anglers and other outdoor enthusiasts don’t want — dismantling our public lands legacy.
Lawmakers are convinced the state can do a better job managing millions of acres of public lands. As a Nevada resident, I want to know where the money for that would come from.
The federal government spends billions of dollars every year on fighting wildfires in the West. When the bills for services now managed by the federal government would come due, the state would sell some of the choicest parcels to the highest bidders. Development with little thought to the consequences will be ramped up to raise money. And the public will be the losers.
These lands belong to everyone. Let’s find constructive solutions to any management problems. That will make us all winners.
Clint DeWitt IV
Carson City
History to deem Reid as worst U.S. senator in history
History will deem Reid as the worst U.S. senator in history. The operative word is “United States.” Instead of working toward the betterment of our country, he used obstruction to prevent 300 plus bills originated in the Republican House from even being discussed.
Our Congress is supposed to discuss, debate, and vote; Reid deferred Republican proposals to the wastebasket because he could decide the Senate agenda. He is a disgrace to all Nevadans. Even his recent words echo his ego-centered narcissistic idea that Democrats need to control, not govern. Good riddance to him.
And in 22 months, good riddance to the current administration, whose president is already deemed “the worst in U.S. history.” Here’s hoping that a future Congress will discuss, debate, decide by compromise, and do the people’s work.
Gretchen Godfrey
Carson City