Letters to the editor for Friday, Nov. 6, 2015

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The Nevada Appeal is accepting Thanksgiving poems, no more than 100 words in length, through Nov. 18. Email poems to editor@nevadaappeal.com, or fax them to 775-887-2420, or mail them to the Nevada Appeal, 580 Mallory Way, Carson City NV 89701. Poems will be printed on Sunday, Nov. 22.

Developing Backcountry Wildlife Conservation areas

Nevada’s remaining wild lands are vulnerable, dwindling, yet a most valuable resource. They provide critical habitat and essential migration corridors for native wildlife, while benefiting our quality of life, tourism and outdoor recreation businesses (“Find the happy medium between conservation and development,” Oct. 28). That is why, within the BLM RMP process, sportsmen and conservationists worked together to propose Backcountry Wildlife Conservation areas.

Conserving backcountry areas in the Carson City District, like the Clan Alpines and the Excelsiors, will provide exceptional opportunities to experience Nevada’s wildlife, whether as hunter, photographer, recreationist.

Pronghorn, bighorns, mule deer and sage grouse all call these wild places home, thus it’s imperative for BLM to work towards keeping our wildlife habitat intact.

It is no easy task to develop an RMP which balances resource development with resource protection, now and for future years. BLM’s laudable outreach to get public input, maximum information and science-based data ideally should result in measured, reasonable decisions. As it finalizes the RMP process, hope abides that BLM will ensure Nevada’s long-term values by protecting our limited number of currently undisturbed areas.

Karen Boeger

Board member of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, Nevada Chapter