Lyon County plan would create open space/park along Walker River

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Lyon County is developing a plan to create a 490 acre park including access to three miles of land along both sides of the Walker River.

County Manager Jeff Page said the land will be donated to Lyon County by the National Fish and Wildlife Federation. It was part of the Sutter Ranch.

Page said they are in negotiations with the Walker Basin Conservancy to fund initial improvements including parking and restrooms and at least short term maintenance.

He said after that, the county would take over operation and maintenance of the area.

Page said the county will draft the ordinance to create the park as open space and set regulations for its management to meet concerns of adjacent property owners and residents of Smith Valley.

He asked for input on a variety of issues including whether hunting, horseback riding, camping and off-road vehicle access be permitted.

There will also be discussion of whether grazing should be allowed in the park since grazing helps reduce fuel loads, improving fire management.

He said since Lyon County doesn’t charge fees for access to its parks and open space now, there would be no fees at the new park.

Page said county officials will draft an ordinance and then meet with the advisory board next month to discuss concerns and desires of the community with the goal of having a recommendation to the county commission by December of this year.