The Nevada Appeal is accepting poems about spring, no more than 100 words in length, through Wednesday, April 6. Email poems to, or fax them to 775-887-2420, or mail them to the Nevada Appeal, 580 Mallory Way, Carson City NV 89701. Poems will be printed on Sunday, April 10.
Increase of water rates is not only option
You reported that the water revenues for Carson City fell 10 percent below projections and therefore to compensate for the lack of revenue, a rate hike may be needed in the future. I understand and do not dispute that in order to make the necessary improvements, there needs to be adequate funding. However, there are actually two options: 1. To raise the water rates again (we are currently in the fourth year of a five-year phase-in of new water rates); or 2. Behave like responsible people/entities and work within their actual budgets.
Improvements are necessary, but do those improvements/maintenance have to be completed now, or can the work be adjusted over time? The citizens of Carson City have done their part by conserving water during a drought, so maybe those in charge need to do their part and reprioritize their budgets and start trimming the fat.
Gary Handley
Carson City