Officials said the fire that burned three acres at Eagle Valley Golf Course on Sunday was human caused. Fire Chief Bob Schreihans said the fire most likely started from a cigarette or other human-made object.
Officials said the fire that burned three acres at Eagle Valley Golf Course on Sunday was human caused.
The fire started around 3:30 p.m. Sunday and burned parts of the course and a restroom area and concession stand, though no one was injured. Fire Chief Bob Schreihans said the fire most likely started from a cigarette or other human-made object.
“There was no lightning or anything in the area, and it certainly wasn’t a squirrel that started it,” Schreihans said.
Carson City resident Chuck Zimmerman was teeing off at the ninth hole when he said he noticed a plume of smoke coming from a patch of sage brush and trees.
“The fire started and I could see the plume of smoke and the flames,” Zimmerman said. “I could see that it was blowing east and it was growing. I had called it in and continued playing.”
Zimmerman said they had gotten to the 10th hole when the fire department arrived and put the fire out.
“It just started right away and it spread and flamed up so quickly,” Zimmerman said.
Because the restroom and concession stand were damaged, the golf course decided to donate them to the city instead of paying to repair them. The Fire Department will get use of the buildings to use as a training prop for its technical rescue training.