Letters to the editor for Thursday, April 28, 2016

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The Nevada Appeal is accepting stories about moms, no more than 300 words, through May 5. Email stories and no more than two photos to editor@nevadaappeal.com, or fax them to 775-887-2420, or mail them to the Nevada Appeal, 580 Mallory Way, Carson City NV 89701. Stories will be printed on Mother’s Day, May 8.

Thoughts on voting

I have encountered in my 83 years a myriad of persons who share why they don’t vote ... silly reasons at best.

My dad, toward the end of his days, cast his first vote for the mayor of New York City, and it was a real first in our family. He left a country where abuse of humanity was rampant. Where the poor had no hope, where you could not be a merchant or own anything and there was no personal freedom. He headed for America because others told him the streets were lined in gold. He found that was not so; here you reaped what you sowed. If you worked hard and assimilated, you could succeed. He opened a grocery store, went on to own a sewing factory and saw the mystery of freedom and the glory of ownership, but most of all he could make his own decisions.

This is why I believe in my country — I saw firsthand the wonders of our newly adopted country. Neither my father nor myself ever looked back or glorified where we came from, as we realized what a wonderful decision was made in coming to a country as great as America.

If you don’t vote, I find you disloyal, expounding on the old country, carrying its flag, speaking the “home” language, telling tales of the old countries’ grandeurs, selling lies to your children, or hiding behind religious beliefs.

As for me, I am loyal and I love this country and will honor its standards, and you’re always going to see me at the polls.

Lenoralee Vecchiarelli


Nevada isn’t California, and it shouldn’t be

This is in response to Donna N. Inversin’s letter in the Appeal. It isn’t negativity you are experiencing here in Carson City. It is California burnout! Those of us who have lived here longer than a minute get tired of hearing how backward we are.

We are exhausted from hearing how there isn’t enough “fine dining,” arts and culture, entertainment and “professional services.” If Carson City has all of these glaring flaws, it begs the question, why the heck did you move here in the first place? You moved here to get away from the traffic congestion, the crime, the over abundance of people living within spitting distance of you. So you come here and then complain about the lack of whatever it was you had in California.

Quite frankly, I get sick of hearing, “Well, in California, we did this or had that.” While I am not adverse to building a better community, it should not be at the cost of the current quality of life we have enjoyed here for many years. The more people who come here, the more development done here, just reduces the already fragile quality of life in Carson City. More of something does not automatically make it better. Bringing more people, fine dining, arts and culture, etc., will not automatically make Carson City a better place to live.

If you don’t like it here the way it is, feel free to move back from whence you came.

Hope A. Tingle

Carson City


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