Past Pages for Saturday, Aug. 13, 2016

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150 years ago

Returned: Governor Blasdel has so far recovered from his late attack, as to be able to return to Carson, where he now is. We have learned the particulars of the present condition of his health, but have faith to believe that the Almighty, seeing the necessity that exists for his continuance in this world, will not remove him until after the expiration of his second Gubernatorial term (Eastern Slope).

130 years ago

Appeal boycotted: The proprietor of the Appeal, a little over a week ago, visited San Francisco to pay his respects to the National Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic. On his return he finds that his paper has been placed under boycott by a secret committee of individuals who have arrogated themselves, in this city, the right to manage the business affairs of other people. This boycott we look upon with the contempt which every honest American ought to have for it, and we spit upon the cowardice and malice which stalks behind it.

100 years ago

About 30 famous auto speed kings have entered cars for the race to the top of Pike’s Peak day after tomorrow. Drivers from the east will compete with drivers from the west. Ralph Mulford will try to establish a new world’s hill climbing record.

70 years ago

Another permanent fireman will be added to the Warren Engine fire department at a meeting of members tonight, George Meyers, fire chief, said today.

50 years ago

Donal (Mike) O’Callaghan, Democratic candidate for Lieutenant Governor, will be one of the speakers this evening at the Ormsby County Democratic Club at the Sierra Room of the Carson City Nugget.

30 years ago

Approval of a tentative Planned Unit Development for the Colony Homes project east of Imus Road on south Conestoga Drive squeaked by the Carson City Board of Supervisors on a 2-1 vote.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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