Senator Square: Carson High School students, teachers helping out

Carson High School counselor Nicki Hendee.

Carson High School counselor Nicki Hendee.

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Teachers and students at Carson High School are teaming up to accomplish some amazing community projects throughout Carson City and beyond. One of Carson High School’s own counselors, Nicki Hendee, along with CHS teacher Angila Golik and her honors government class, and a host of local businesses offering support, are collecting anything and everything to do with, of all things, diapers. CHS counselor Hendee, while talking with friends at another teacher’s home, decided she wanted to do something to help mothers out, especially mothers who simply can’t afford to pay for the diapers needed to care for their babies. Sometimes good intentions fall by the wayside, but this was not going to happen with Hendee. However, was she going to make this happen on her own, no way! This is where another teacher, her students, and the selfless community of Carson City have stepped up to make this idea become a reality.


Help a mother out. Not many know 1 in 3 American moms struggle to provide diapers for their babies, 1 in 5 moms cut back on food and utilities or other essentials to provide diapers, and 1 in 5 moms have extended the amount of time they leave their babies in wet or soiled diapers simply because they can’t afford to change the diaper more often. Babies who are left in soiled diapers for extended periods of time can get diaper rash, urinary tract and staph infections. More than 1,000 babies and toddlers in Carson City are in need of diapers, and sadly, families who can’t provide a day’s worth of diapers can’t leave their children in day care. Anyone can help! The honors government class taught by Mrs. Angila Golik will be taking on this cause for their first semester project. As part of their learning of the nine elements of citizenship, and to fulfill the “giving back to their community” element, students from A3 honors government will be helping raise awareness of this program, collecting donations, organizing pickups and delivering to the Ron Wood Family Resource Center. For the month of September, please consider donating diapers, wipes, or diaper cream (any size or brand) to the diaper drive. Kind and generous individuals and groups may also make a monetary donation to the Ron Wood Center. Locations where boxes of diapers may be dropped off include: The Ron Wood Family Resource Center, the Carson City Library, Silver Hills Community Church, First United Methodist Church, Salvation Army Church, Fitness for 10, Fitness 1440, Sierra Training Systems, Eagle Fitness, Dollar Tree, and Bethlehem Lutheran Church.


CHS Debate begins its season following up a wonderful trip to nationals. Sadie Share and Sawyer Barnett pick up more winning ballots in their main events than any Carson competitors. Sandro Figueroa was also elected to be presiding officer by his peers in his Congress chamber. Sawyer and Sandro both also competed in Extemporaneous Debate and both advanced to elimination rounds. Sandro competed through round six putting him in the top 120 out of 750 students in the event. CHS Debate would like to thank everyone who sponsored the trip. Senator level sponsors include: the Lions and Rotary clubs. Representative sponsors include: Dan Spence, Marc Nelson Dentistry, The Saint Paul’s Lutheran Family, Midge Breen, and Richard Doede, and Nevada Assemblyman, Fisher Chiropractic and Jeffery Susan and Maples.


It’s time to plant fall vegetables! Whether someone plants a full garden bed or just keeps a pot in a window, he or she can enjoy kale, chard, broccoli, cabbage, and more into the fall. The Greenhouse Project has cool-season seedlings for sale at the greenhouse, located on East Robinson Street, behind CHS. Open hours are Tuesday through Friday, between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. Call the following number with any questions: 775-335-9452. The Greenhouse Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that grows produce for local food banks with the help of students in the Agriculture program at CHS. For more information, find the project on the internet at,, or


Calling all comedians! Be a part of this year’s Wednesday Night Live. Looking for funny people or people who want to be funny, or people who are not funny, but like being around people who are! Come be a part of this year’s Wednesday Night Live. There’s a need for script writers, actors, and technicians. No experience necessary! Ever wanted to write for Saturday Night Live? Now’s the time to learn how. Skits need to run between 5 and 10 minutes. Submit all scripts to Ms. Anderson at no later than Aug. 30. Auditions will be held Thursday, Sept. 4 at 2:30 p.m. in the Black Box Theatre (Room 170). Open to all CHS students! The audition will consist of improvisational games and some readings. Contact Ms. Anderson for more information.


The 2016 Division of Environmental Protection’s Recycling Program’s Statewide Recycled Art Contest is in its third year. Nevada residents from kindergarten to adults, to students working on a class project, may participate. First place receives $250, second place $100, third place $50, and $200 goes to winners of the class project. Submissions are due by Oct. 23, and winners, selected by panel, will be announced on or before America Recycles Day, Nov. 15. Go to for entry forms and rules, and attach up to two photos of artwork.

For more information, contact northern and southern recycling coordinators Patty Moen at 775-687-9466 or Rachel Lewison at 702-486-2850, ext. 268.

Phil Brady is an English teacher at CHS.


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