View from the Past

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100 Years Ago

One of the most charming as well as unique private parties ever given in Fallon was the masquerade dancing party given by Mr. and Mrs. George B. Williams at Oats Park assembly hall Wednesday evening when about 70 guests, in response to the invitations, appeared enmask. The ladies in particular secured some of the most elegant suits imaginable, while the general preference leaned toward Turkish designs, the oriental styles were in evidence. Tables were spread in the domes of the science department where a delicious repast was served. The hostess had left nothing undone that would contribute to the pleasure of the guests.

Churchill County Eagle, Saturday, December 9, 1916

Send Christmas mail as soon as possible. The rush of business in the post offices all over the country, beginning about two weeks before Christmas, is enormous…Gray, Reid & Co. are making their big department store general headquarters for Santa Claus. The Christmas tree window gives wonderful suggestions and shows what will please little tots.

Churchill County Eagle, Saturday, December 9, 1916

75 Years Ago

Plans for building an air training field at Fallon may be hastened by the Japanese outbreak in the Pacific followed by reports of a threatened attack on the coast mainland. Instead of lagging in aviation as before, Senator McCarran mentioned, America now leads the world. It had been his forecast, he said, that landing fields would be needed for emergency and for commercial use as transportation developed. “Today I have a message from my office that section 22 (the Berney field) has been approved for the city of Fallon.”

The Fallon Standard, Wednesday, December 3, 1941

50 Years Ago

Jim Greer, chef, was inspecting the tables in the Nugget’s new Gold Rush Dining Room just prior to the opening Friday night. Modern fixtures and tasteful décor plus live entertainment adds up to a much needed addition in Fallon.

Fallon Eagle-Standard, Friday, December 16, 1966

Speaking of Christmas trees, we’d like to call your attention to the fact that there are laws covering their cutting and transporting. Certain areas are open to the cutting of pinion pine. For information and permits, contact the Bureau of Land management or the U,S. Forest Service. You can cut a Christmas tree from your own land or private land with the owner’s permission. Sierra Field and Stream, Fallon Eagle-Standard, Friday, December 16, 1966

A View From The Past…stories from the Churchill County Museum & Archives, researched and compiled by Margo Weldy, Churchill County Museum Assistant.


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